
English Path Centre

Toronto ON

English Path는 7개의 캠퍼스를 가진 글로벌 어학원입니다. 토론토는 오픈된지 얼마되지 않아 학생수가 적습니다. 메이저 어학원에서 가족적인 분위기로 공부할수 있는 좋은 기회입니다. 

 About English Path:

English Path has been a rising star in language education, committed to empowering individuals with the skills needed to thrive in an English-speaking environment. Our proven teaching methodologies, expert faculty, and immersive learning environment have helped countless students achieve their language goals.




 The New Centre, EP Toronto:

Located in the vibrant city of Toronto, our new centre is situated in a prime location, easily accessible by public transportation and surrounded by an array of cultural, culinary, and recreational amenities. Our school also has easy access to PATH, the subway and pedestrian tunnel network in the city of Toronto, which stretches for more than 30 kilometres. It connects the office towers in downtown Toronto and provides a significant contribution to the economic viability of the downtown area. With EP Toronto's close proximity to public transportation, students can discover and enjoy what Toronto has to offer.


  • Opening: Tuesday, July 4th, 2023 (Monday the 3rd is a holiday in Canada). Then every other Monday (except holidays and school vacations)
  • Address: English Path Toronto, 36 Victoria St, Toronto, EN M5C 1H3, Canada
  • Classrooms: 12 classrooms fully equipped with the latest technology
  • Capacity: 180 students per AM/PM shift
  • Visa type: Students with tourist visas (courses of up to 23 weeks)

  Programs @ EP Toronto:

With the opening of our new centre, we are poised to expand our course offerings, catering to a wider range of language proficiency levels and specialized needs. Whether you are looking to improve your conversational skills, prepare for higher educations in Canada or enhance your professional communication, English Path has the perfect program for you.


  • General English Classic 20 AM/PM
  • Semi-Intensive English 25 AM/PM
  • Intensive English 30
  • Pathway Programs
  • 4-week Professional Certificates* in:
    • Business Management Essentials
    • Sustainability Essentials
    • Digital Marketing Essentials

o   Leadership Essentials

* First intake will be on September 5 for the Certificate: Business Management Essentials.

  • Young Learners Winter & Summer Camp. First Winter Camp January 2024. 

Semi-Intensive English | Intensive English 프로그램의 선택 수업은 4주 단위 1 – 4 Cycle 로 제공



 Services/ Facilities @ EP Toronto:

  • Customer service-oriented team
  • Meeting rooms: 12 meeting rooms, all equipped with the latest technology
  • Professional and highly qualified teachers
  • A big reception area
  • Student Lounge with kitchen, microwave, and kettle
  • Self-study area and library
  • Free WIFI



  • 무료 온라인 데모 클라스 - 신청 
    • 2 hours of Speaking Practice per week.
    • 1 hour of Group Course Tutorial per week.
    • Expert Online English language teachers.
    • Enjoy 7 - day free trial.




 대학 컬리지 진학

 어학연수 및 캠프



2024.04.02 09:36:04

  • EP 센터 별 규모 
    • 런던 그린 포드: 120명 ~ 250명
    • 런던 카나리 워프 30+: 30명 내외 (소규모 수업: 8 - 10명 )
    • 버밍엄, 맨체스터, 리즈: 100 ~ 150 명  
    • 더블린: 120 ~ 200명
    • 몰타: 250 ~ 450 명
    • 두바이: 300 ~ 500 명 
    • 토론토: 30명 내외
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