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Alberta (알버타주)
▶초 중등학교
º 교육청
Calgary Board of Education | Calgary Catholic School District | Canadian Rockies Public Schools | Edmonton PSD | Edmonton Catholic Schools | Golden Hills PSD 75 | LETHBRIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 51 | Livingstone Range | Medicine Hat Catholic 76 | Medicine Hat Public | Palliser School Division | Red Deer Catholic | Rocky Mountain
CIOT College | Bow Valley College | CDI College | Dhillon School of Business at University of Lethbridge | Keyano College | Lakeland College | Lethbridge College | Medicine Hat College | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology | NorQuest College | Olds College | Red Deer College | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology(SAIT)
Concordia University of Edmonton | MacEwan University | Mount Royal University | University of Lethbridge
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º 대학부설
Bow Valley College | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology(SAIT) | University of Calgary
British Columbia (BC주)
▶초 중등학교
º 교육청
Abbotsford | Burnaby | Campbell River School District | Chilliwack 33 | Coquitlam 43 | Comox Valley School District 71 | Cowichan Valley | Gulf Island | Delta | Kamloops | Kootenay Lake 8 | Langley 35 | Mission | New westminster | Nanaimo 68 | Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows 42 | North Vancouver | Peace River North 60 | Pcaific Rim | Richmond | Okanagan Skaha No. 67 | Rocky Mountain | Sea to Sky School District 48 | Sooke | Surrey | Vancouver 39 | Victoria 61 | West Vancouver
º 사립학교
Aberdeen Hall | Alexander Academy | Brentwood College School | Brookes Westshore | Canada Star Secondary School | Columbia Academy | Coquitlam College High School | LaSalle College Vancouver High School | Pattison high school | Saint James Catholic School | ST. JOHN'S ACADEMY | The Westside School | The high school at Vancouver Island University | Vancouver Formosa Academy
º 기숙학교
Bodwell High School | St. John's Academy Shawnigan Lake | Unisus School
Acsenda School of Management | Alexander College | Ashton College | British Columbia Institute of Technology | Canada International Royal Arts College | Canadian College of Technology and Business(CCTB) | Codecore College | Camosun College | Columbia College | College of New Caledonia | College of The Rockies | Coquitlam College | Coast Mountain College | DOUGLAS College | Fraser International College | Focus College | Greystone College | Justice Institute of British Columbia | LaSalle College-Vancouver | Langara College | North Island College | Northern Lights College | Okangan College | Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts | Selkirk College | Sprott Shaw College | Vancouver Community College | Vancouver Film School
Adler University - Vancouver | Capilano University | Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design | Fairleigh Dickinson University | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | New York Tech | Royal Roads University | Thompson Rivers University | Trinity Western University - Langley, Richmond | University Canada West | University of Fraser Valley | University of Northern British Columbia | University of Victoria | Vancouver Island University
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º 대학부설
Capilano University | Kwantlen Polytechnic University | Royal Roads University | SFU | Thompson Rivers University | University of BC | University of the Fraser Valley | University of Victoria
Manitoba (매니토바주)
▶초 중등학교
º 공립 교육청 or 학교
Louis Riel School Division | Mountain View | Pembina Trails School Division | River East Transcona School Division | The University of Winnipeg Collegiate
º 사립학교
Assiniboine Community College | Herzing College | International College of Manitoba | LRSD - Arts and Technology Centre | Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology| Red River College
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º 대학부설
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology | Red River College | University of Manitoba
New Brunswick (뉴브런즈윅주)
▶초 중등학교
º 교육청
Atlantic Education International
º 사립학교
New Brunswick Community College
Crandall University | St. Stephen's University | St. Thomas University | University of New Brunswick
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Nova Scotia (노바스코시아주)
▶초 중등학교
º 교육청
º 사립학교
College of the North Atlantic | NSCC - Nova Scotia Community College
Acadia University | Cape Breton University | Mount Saint Vincent University | St Mary's University
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º 대학부설
Acadia University | St Mary's University
Ontario (온타리오주)
▶초 중등학교
º 공립 교육청
Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board | Avon Maitland | Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario | Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board | Greater Essex County District School Board | Halton Catholic District School Board | Halton District School Board | Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board | Hastings & Prince Edward | Lakehead Public Schools | Lambton Kent District School Board | Limestone District School Board | Niagara School Board | Ottawa-Carletion PSB | Peel District School Board | Simcoe County | Thames Valley District School Board | The Ottawa Catholic School Board | Thunder Bay Catholic Schools | Toronto PSD | Toronto Catholic District School Board | York Catholic District School Board | Upper Canada | Upper Grand District School Board | Waterloo Region's Catholic Schools | Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board | York
º 사립학교
Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada | Blyth Academy | Braemar College | Borden Academy | CSV - Collège Français | Erindale Academy | FH International High School | Fieldstone Day School | J. Addison School | Ontario International College | ROTMAN ARTS & SCIENCE SCHOOL | Southern Ontario Collegiate | St. George Academy | TAIE International Institute | TIC | University of Toronto Schools | UT Preparatory Academy | Villanova College | Webtree Academy | WESTFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL | William Academy | Willowdale High School
º 기숙학교
Bronte College | Canadian Independent College | Columbia International College | Fulford Academy | Great Lakes Christian High School | King's Christian Collegiate | London International Academy | Merrick Preparatory School | Niagara Christian Collegiate | Royal Crown Academic School | UMC | Urban International School | USCA Academy | Waterloo Independent Secondary School
Academy of Learning Career College | Algonquin College | Brescia University College | Cambrian College at Hanson College | Canadore College | Centennial college | Confederation College | Conestoga College | Dominican University College | Durham College | Fanshawe College | Fleming College | Fleming College Toronto | Georgian College | George Brown College | Humber College | Loyalist College | Mohawk College | Niagara College | Niagara College at Toronto School of Management | Northern College | Sault College | Seneca College | Sheridan College | St. Clair College | St. Lawrence College | Toronto School of Management | Wilfrid Laurier International College
Algoma University | Brock University | King's University College | Lakehead University-Thunder Bay,Orillia | Laurentian University | Nipissing University | OCAD University | Ontario Tech University | Queen's university | Trent University - Durham GTA | Toronto Metropolitan University | University of Guelph | University of Windsor | University of Waterloo | Wilfrid Laurier University - Waterloo,Brantford | Yorkville University
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º 대학부설
Brock University | University of Ottawa | University of Windsor | Western University | Wilfrid Laurier University - Waterloo,Brantford
Prince Edward Island (PEI)
University of prince Edward Island
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º 대학부설
Quebec (퀘백주)
▶초 중등학교
º 교육청
Lester B. Pearson | Riverside School Board
º 사립학교
Bishop’s College School | College Bourget | Kells Academy | The Sacred Heart School of Montreal | Stanstead College
Ascent College of Technology | Cegep Marie-Victorin | Canada College | College Avalon-Montreal | College National | College St-Michel | Institute de tourisme et d'hotellerie du Quebec (ITHQ) | Institut Teccart | Kensley College | LaSalle College | LBPSB - Pearson Electrotechnology Centre | Matrix College | M college | Milestone College | Montreal College of Information Technology | Musitechnic | Trebas Institute
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Saskatchewan (싸스캐치원주)
▶초 중등학교
º 공립교육청 or 학교
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
º 사립학교
Parkland College | Saskatchewan Polytechnic
University of Regina | University Saskatchewan
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º 대학부설
University of Regina | University Saskatchewan
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