
Burlington Royal Arts Academy

 Burlington, ON [MAP]

  • 사립학교
  • 9-12학년
  • ESL제공
  • Homestay - 학교자체

Specially Designed Arts Curriculum:

Our school is committed to providing a positive learning environment and global practice opportunities that emphasize

individual growth, academic and artistic excellence, and we strive to cultivate open-mindedness, creativity, professionalism and respect within our community.

  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Media
  • Music (Instrumental, Jazz, Rock, and Vocal)
  • Visual Arts

Our specially designed arts program includes:

  • Playing & Singing
  • Improvising
  • A Cappella
  • Masterpiece appreciation
  • Arts introduction
  • Music theory
  • Sight-singing and Ear-training
  • Modern Dance
  • Ballet
  • Voice bel canto
  • Brass
  • Woodwind
  • Percussion Instruments
  • Violin
  • Cello
  • Bass and Classical Guitar

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Qualified teachers support our after-school arts program. We offer instrument practice rooms after-school (3:00-6:00 pm), so that our students can achieve artistic excellence in their chosen arts field. Parents may arrive at their convenience to pick up their students.

Cyclical comprehensive rehearsals are recommended, including dance training, vocal (chorus, musical theatre, opera, pop

music) and Pop-band rehearsal etc. In addition, we invite our guest professors from renowned universities to give lessons and instructions to our arts students. We will also provide dynamic off-campus performance opportunities (both in Canada and abroad) to our arts students in order for them to practice what they've learned and broaden their horizons.

Under the supervision of our teachers/counsellors, each student selects arts courses that best prepare them for their chosen

university or college program, or a professional career in dance, concert, composing or vocal performance, etc. Our qualified and experienced teachers will guide the students in preparation for exams, performances, competitions, auditions and arts portfolios required for admission into post- secondary schools.




 숙박형태: Homestay

 학생관리: 학교

 대표 프로그램: ART 

 비용범위: 40,000$이하 수업료

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