

Toronto ON [MAP]

  • 2004년에 설립
  • 구 캐나다 예술 및 과학 아카데미
  • 유치원부터 12학년







  • [Ballet]
  • Professional Dance and High school Diploma

    The program includes up to 15 hours of training per week (45 - 50 hours/month), plus the rehearsals and performances in the Nutcracker ballet. 





 숙박형태: Homestay

 학생관리: 학교

 대표 프로그램: ART 발레

 비용범위: 50,000$이하 수업료


1.png 공통

1.png 조기유학

1.png 어학연수 및 캠프


2023.03.15 05:21:19

Professional Dance and High school Diploma


Integrated Professional Dance and Academic Program including 

  • Academic tuition fee: 16,500 CAD
  • Professional Ballet Program: 13,000 CAD/10 months. 

The program includes up to 15 hours of training per week (45 - 50 hours/month), plus the rehearsals and performances in the Nutcracker ballet.


Total tuition fee: 29,500 CAD 

비용은 학교사정에따라 변동될수 있습니다.


2024.04.11 12:05:01

As we stride further into the year 2024, we wish to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of you for your unwavering support towards our school. Furthermore, we would like to provide you with some updates on the school over the past few months: 


In January 2024, we kickstarted the year with a fresh start by renovating our school facilities as well as our website. With a sleek new look and more useful information for both agencies and students, we aimed to better express our education environment through our website and assist prospective students in making informed decisions about joining our school. Additionally, we introduced a verification method by QR Code within our Letter of Acceptance, ensuring authenticity and facilitating a smoother visa application experience.

 In February 2024,  In February, our students exhibited exceptional dedication and diligence as they prepared for various tests and exams. Their hard work bore fruit, with outstanding results reflecting their commitment to academic excellence. We commend their perseverance and commendable performance.


In March 2024, as we are gradually moving towards the spring, we are thrilled to get back to our beloved field trips and outdoor learning activities. Despite the varying weather conditions, our students embraced the winter season with enthusiasm, infusing learning with fun and adventure.


At Rotman, we believe that education transcends the confines of classrooms, and outdoor experiences enrich the learning journey. As we navigate through the academic year, we remain steadfast in our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with knowledge, skills, and a zest for learning. We extend our gratitude once again for your unwavering support and look forward to our continued success and growth of our school community.

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Tubing Trip 

In order to release the stress from the recent exams, we have organised a school trip where our awesome students took tubing to a whole new level! 



Preparation for Universities
The dedication and hard work of our Grade 12 students as they prepare for their university applications have truly shone through.

School Recent Activities

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