대학조건부 입학 > 미국 | 캐나다

좋은 대학교로 진학을 원하지만 고등학교 성적이 좋지 않다면 어떻게 해야 하나요? 바로~ 패스웨이를 이용하면 됩니다.


CSCU Transferring - Home (ct.edu)

코네티컷 중에서는 Community College에서 공부 후 코네티컷 내 4년제 대학으로 학점 손실없이 편입할 수 있도록 편입 시스템인 Transfer Ticket Degrees를 운영하고 있습니다.


CSCU’s Transfer Tickets are new degree programs providing pathways for community college students to complete degree programs that transfer to Connecticut State Universities (CSU: Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western) and Charter Oak State College without losing any credits or being required to take extra credits in order to complete a bachelor’s degree in that same discipline.


컬리지 리스트

  • Asnuntuck Community College  
  • Tunxis Community College
  • Northwestern Connecticut Community College
  • Capital Community College 
  • Quinebaug Valley Community College
  • Three Rivers Community College 
  • Naugatuck Valley Community College
  • Gateway Community College
  • Manchester Community College
  • Norwalk Community College
  • Housatonic Community College
  • Middlesex Community College

List of Articles
US 조건부입학 공통 대학 조건부 입학이란? file
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Foundation American Collegiate L.A. file

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